Back in August 2008 we had the good fortune to be at the World during Tropical Storm Faye who got stuck right over central Florida.
Even though it kept the temperatures down (but not the humidity) trudging through the parks in a torrential downpour got old after a while.
We spent several afternoons in the room watching the Olympics until the worse was over.
One day at EPCOT we were trapped inside "Honey I Shrunk the Audience" while this was going on outside:
Here are two shots from DHS as we were leaving for the day when the rain and the wind got just too much:
And once we got to Old Key West it was coming down so hard it was hard to get to the room:
From our balcony:
And still going the next day:
Here Alex and our family friend Bri trying to stay dry at the Animal Kingdom in the saran wrap.
Here Erin & Katherine are wearing the ponchos we ended up with after forking out a small fortune at the parks.
On the upside when the kids each tore their ponchos at least once, they replaced them for free.
I have a "travel trunk" that belonged to my mom which is an antique steamer trunk that I keep all the stuff for my trips in that I dont use at other times. I think I may have stuffed the ponchos in there but I'm not sure. The trunk is currently stored in the garage so I have to dig it out and bring it in so I can start loading it up with Disney vacation items to look through as the year goes on.
I LOVE looking through things I have set aside for the trip.